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Wolf's Crossing Elementary School provides a variety of special programming that provides unique character to our school. The links below are make connections to the many different opportunities that we offer. 


This program is designed for fourth and fifth grade students who would like to get involved in team sports, develop their skills, learn basic offensive and defensive strategy, in a competitive, but fun environment.
1st Quarter:
  • Before School:
  • After School: 
 2nd Quarter: 
  • Before School: 
  • After School: 
3rd Quarter:
  • Before School: 
  • After School: 
4th Quarter:
  • Before School: 
  • After School:  


Student Council is a club comprised of fourth and fifth grade students who would like to positively impact and serve the students and staff at their school and those in the outside community.  We collect used eye glasses for the Lion’s Club to donate to people in third world countries, and pop tops to raise money to make it possible for parents to stay with their sick children at the Ronald McDonald House. After Halloween, a left-over candy collection is taken to donate to the children both at Mutual Ground and Hesed House. Additionally, this year we are participating in an active collection of all sizes of winter clothing to donate to Maddie’s Mitten March, a non-profit organization that gives free winter outerwear to the unfortunate. Student Council members also assist the Angel Tree fundraiser by sorting gifts at the Salvation Army Center during the winter holiday season. Speaking of the holidays, our student council members are also making Christmas cards for nearby nursing home residents to help bring them some cheer! Every year, we also collect toiletry items for the women and children of Mutual Ground. We also support Amy Chally and Portland’s wonderful organization, Canine Companions for Independence, with our “Change-for-Change” fundraiser in the Spring.
The LMC and Mrs. Jones (art teacher) benefit from our students too! Students visit the LMC to help Mrs. Mahoney and Mrs. Bumby complete multiple, never-ending, necessary projects. Mrs. Jones has many Artsonia papers for us to sort too! Not only that, but our school PTA also benefits from our volunteering at the Fun Fair. Our student council is responsible for making posters for upcoming events at school to keep the WC population aware of everything happening at our school! These students are always willing to give their time and energy to a worthy cause! You should be very proud of these students! 


Drum club is open to 3rd grade students and we will utilize hand drums and various African percussive instruments to play sheet music. Once reading sheet music is learned and practiced, we will begin creating our own drum compositions with friends. My goal is to make these activities fun, energizing, and enjoyable to all participants. 
Drum club will meet on  


Fourth and fifth grade students have the option to join Honor Choir. Honor Choir one morning per week for 45 minutes.  Participants learn the mechanics of good singing technique, music reading skills, part-singing in harmony, and how to perform and blend with a musical ensemble. All District Honor Choirs participate each May, in a Combined Choir Music Festival. This event is always an exciting and memorable one!  Also, choir members have the chance to keep a T-Shirt and a CD recording from the event.